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Here are some of the things we learned today:
Big anxiety attack with anticipation of the wild fires hitting us since they're still burning in So Cal and the Santa Ana winds are roaring in San Diego County for most of this week.
Emily went to her first chili cook off at a friends house over the weekend. Her husband cooked but didn’t win. Emily had to vote for her own husband although she went back for seconds made by someone else!
"Monopoly for Millennials," is a new game where you're encouraged to take a break from the rat race because "adulting is hard." There's no rent to pay and no real estate to buy because "you can't afford it anyway." It's about life experiences instead of cash. The person with the most student debt rolls first.
CO State University has banned words and phrases deemed offensive, including You guys and freshmen which is discriminatory and "Long time, no see" because it's offensive to Asians.
We bid farewell to our news producer Brando last week and we thank him for his time working with us. Anna is taking his place so she should take his Rams super bowl bet in our football pool. Rams are currently winning our pool with the record of 9-1! Everyone agrees except Dave!
Check out our football picks in the next post.
Week 10 in the NFL and our football bets:
- Anna - Rams - 9-1 (News producer who replaced Brando)
- Chainsaw - Chargers - 7-2
- Emily - Patriots - 7-3
- Ruthie - Steelers 6-2-1
- Boyer - Vikings 5-3-1
- Dave - Packers - 4-4-1
- Sarah - Eagles - 4-5
Photo by KGB/iheartmedia
Morrissey got attacked on stage at Copley Symphony Hall in San Diego on Saturday night during his encore. You can watch it in the video posted above.
$5 Quiz: Game - Boyer vs. The Team: Topic - Grammar Boyer thinks he's smarter than all of us put together, so that's why it's us against him - all by himself. Team gets to go first and Boyer can't repeat our answer.
Boyer vs The Team: Listener RICK playing for Disneyland tickets! he picked neither.
- Question: That dot above a lower case I or J has a name. What is it?
- Team answer: DOT
- Boyer answer: Serif
- Real answer: Tittle
- Boyer 11 Team 15 Neither 62
- *****Rick wins*******
Photo by KGB/iheartmedia
If you missed Chainsaw Sports today, just listen to his podcast from Monday, 11-12-18 on KGB.
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What do kids want for Christmas? Sarah says her kids want everything that comes on TV. Do they write letters to Santa? Nope, not like we did when we were kids. Emily actually taker her kid to visit Santa, but Colt is only three and has no idea what he wants - yet.
You know what’s not on kids Christmas list this year? Every toy on the ...
The National Toy Hall of Fame new list of inductees.
- Magic 8 Ball (came out in 1948)
- Pinball - (great for a man cave)
- Uno - card game (still fun for some)
Photos by Getty Images
You know it's never a choice between two good things, so Dave had a bunch of them for us to choose today.
Would you rather: (We each had to pick one or we got stuck doing all of them.)
- Chainsaw said yes: Sit in a plane seat fouled by old man diarrhea for $500 AND trade places with sportscaster in Vegas for yanking it while playing slots - gets $10,000.
- Have a cold for one year for $10,000 - everyone said no.
- Emily - Go blind for a month for 10,000
- Would you take 10,000 to give away your pet? No one chose this.
- Boyer - Live alone on a deserted island for a month for $10,0000
- Sarah - Trade lives with Boyer for one year for $10,000
- Ruth never buzzed in so she gets to do them all!
- Would you go to jail for a year for $10,000? - We all said no.
Photo by KGB/iheartmedia
This is Dave's new favorite commercial where Col. Sanders does the Dirty Dancing lift with Mrs. Butterworth. Watch it in the video above.
If you missed any part of Monday's show, you can listen here thanks to KGB from 11-12-18.