The DSC Show for Wednesday, 1/23/19: Flu Tissues For Sale, Boyer Best Table Manners, Summer School and more!
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Here are some of the things we learned on the show today.
NOW HIRING: Wienermobile Drivers Wanted!
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Dave wanted to know if anyone on the crew got a flu shot yet.
Sarah says yes. Dave thinks it might be dodgy getting it at the drug store instead of a doctor’s office, even though that's where he gets all of his medicine. But putting the disease in your body to attack the disease usually works. Now there are prescriptions for used tissues selling for $80 to build up your immune system so you won’t get the flu Yuck! You can read more about it here.
Erin Brockovich wants CA to keep PG&E from going bankrupt. The environmental activist says the utility needs to pay up for the 2018 Camp Fire.
Saints fans are suing the NFL for the bad call during their playoff game! They bought billboards in ATL saying as much.
Tupac Shakur drew some dirty cartoons when he was in prison in the ’90s and one of them sold at auction for $21,000.
Listening To AC/DC Can Help Fight Cancer. The vibrations are good at helping it sink in.
Whatever you do DO NOT go to Dave’s twitter @daverickards and watch the video of the boxer who had his head punched open to his brain!
97-year-old Prince Philip totaled his car but was out driving again the next day with no seat belt.
Which is worse: blowing your nose on a cloth napkin at the dinner table OR going to the men’s room to farmer blow snot rockets into the sink? We had a HUGE discussion about this. Check out the podcast for sure.
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You've heard the phrase "feed a cold, starve a fever" before.
But the "starve a fever" part isn't really good advice. Cutting calories when you're sick might actually make it HARDER for your body to fight off a virus.
The "feed a cold" part is okay though, especially if you eat this stuff. Here are five foods that can help with cold and flu symptoms. And they're all backed by science . . .
Oysters. They have tons of zinc, which is also an active ingredient in a lot of cold medicines, like Zicam.
Garlic. No one's going to be kissing you anyway, so load up. Garlic blocks enzymes involved in bacterial and viral infections. Plus, it helps your immune cells. If you're worried about bad breath, pills with garlic extract also work.
Almonds. Micronutrients in the outer skin can help you fight off a cold by boosting the sensitivity of your white blood cells.
Kiwi. A study a few years ago had one group of people eat kiwi while they were sick, while another group ate bananas. And the kiwi group's symptoms went away up to four days faster.
Chicken Soup. Yes, it really does work. It might be thanks to an immune-boosting compound in chicken called carnosine. Studies have also shown it helps with mucus and can clear your nose if you're stuffed up.
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$5 Quiz; Summer School: Internet Influencers.
Listeners playing for dinner at the fabulous George’s at the Cove in La Jolla
Khloe Kardashian JLo Nicki Minaj Kendall Jenner Justin Bieber Kylie Jenner Kim Kardashian Beyonce Ariana Grande Cristiano Ronaldo Miley Cyrus Katy Perry Demi Lovato Rihanna Kevin Hart Ellen Degeneres Justin Timberlake Dwayne Johnson Selena Gomez
*******************Boyer wins ****for Listener Billy*****************
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia
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