The DSC Show for Wednesday 5/1/19: Psycho Pregnant Chicks, Mind Blowing Facts, Flushing Ashes and more!
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Here are some of the things we learned today on The DSC Show on KGB.
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Dear Dave, You know what day it is today, right? It’s 'You Bet Your Ass', Eve. Signed, Cris Collinsworth.
If some people don’t get enough attention from those around them, they seek negative attention. They should call it Boyer- HouseIn disease. - Listener email to
Sarah celebrated her eight wedding anniversary yesterday. She bought her husband a high end, Hyrdo Flask cooler for his gift. She saved $100 because it was mustard yellow. But it was still $200. For a cooler.
Pope Francis is trying to stop a terrible scourge…. Gossiping at the beauty salon. He told a group they should practice their jobs in a professional manner and knock it off. Details here.
More measles are cropping up near us in San Diego with new cases being reported in LA and OC. Some anti-vaxxers are actually using an ancient episode of the 'Brady Bunch' as proof that measles aren't dangerous. The kids all get them at the same time and a good time was had by all. The episode was filmed two years before the vaccine was created. The actress who played Marsha said to knock it off - it wasn't based on reality. Read more about it here.
A Mom in Pittsburgh got mad at her son for smoking weed and drinking in her home - so she kicked him out. He decided to get revenge by flushing the ashes of her parents down the toilet. He was arrested and charged with two counts of abuse of a corpse and one count of criminal mischief. Learn more here.
Chainsaw admitted spilling the ashes of his cousin Craig and his family members inhaled and spit them out. Hence the inspiration, “Spit Out Craig” is the name of Dave’s new band.
Photos by Getty Images
Win tickets to iHeartRadio ICONS with Sammy Hagar and the Circle in LA
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Tomorrow, the great guys at Urge Gastro Pub in Rancho Bernardo are donating 100% profits to the Chabad of Poway.
The bartender Brian is donating ALL of his tips. Firefighters and first responders will be taken care of. Please support this generous offer. The info on Urge is here. Incredible food, too.
1. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time. You can't.
2. It's also Impossible to hum while holding your nose.
3. If you folded a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach to the moon.
4. Coconuts kill more people than sharks every year. Same with cows.
5. "umop apisdn" is "upside down" spelled upside down with different letters of the alphabet.
6. Brussel sprouts grow on stalks like (Google the pic)
7. And pineapples grow out of the ground like this: (same)
8. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than she did to the building of the Great Pyramid.
9. Russia has a larger surface area than Pluto.
10. Saudi Arabia imports camels from Australia.
11. Hippo milk is pink.
12. The toy Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
13. Woody from Toy Story has a full name too — it's Woody Pride.
14. And while we're at it, Mr. Clean's full name is Veritably Clean.
15. Oh, and Cookie Monster's real name is Sid.
16. Carrots were originally purple.
17. The word "swims" has a secret: upside down it's still swims.
18. Vending machines are twice as likely to kill you than a shark is.
19. In a few months, the The Lion King will have been released closer to the moon landing than to today.
20. Shakespeare and Pocahontas both lived during the same time.
21. Not once in the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme does it mention that he's an egg.
22. France was still executing people with a guillotine when the first Star Wars film came out.
23. Armadillos nearly always give birth to identical quadruplets.
24. Betty White is actually older than sliced bread.
25. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
26. A strawberry isn't a berry but a banana is.
27. So are avocados and watermelon.
28. New York City is further south than Rome, Italy.
29. North Korea and Finland are separated by one country.
30. Mammoths went extinct 1,000 years after the Egyptians finished building the Great Pyramid.
31. There are more fake flamingos in the world than real flamingos.
32. If you put your finger in your ear and scratch, it sounds just like Pac-Man
33. Maine is the closest U.S. state to Africa.
34. Anne Frank, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barbara Walters were born in the same year, 1929.
35. The name Jessica was created by Shakespeare in the play Merchant of Venice.
36. This is how big a traffic light is:(Google pic)
37. There are more tigers in Texas than the rest of the world.
38. John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States, has a grandson who's alive today.
39. The probability of you drinking a glass of water that contains a molecule of water that also passed through a DINOSAUR is almost 100%.
40. There are fewer atoms on Earth than there are ways to shuffle a deck of cards.
41. Humans share 50% of their DNA with bananas.
42. There is enough iron in your body to make a 3-inch nail.
43. There have been studies that show that goats, like us, have accents
44. The difference in time between when Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus lived is greater than the difference in time between Tyrannosaurus Rex and now.
45. The lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets has a name — gnurr.
46. Cambridge University is older than the Aztec empire.
47. Beethoven and George Washington were alive at the same time — in fact, George Washington was in his forties when Beethoven was born.
48. Pluto never made a full orbital around the sun from the time it was discovered to when it was declassified as a planet.
49. A thousand seconds is about 16 minutes.
A million seconds is about 11 days.
A billion seconds is about 32 years.
I'm tellin' ya, a billion is a lot:
50. There are more stars in space than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth.
51. And there's enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America in one foot of water.
52. There are more public libraries than McDonald's in the U.S.
53. It rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.
54. Every two minutes, we take more pictures than all of humanity did in the 19th century.
55. This is what poppy seeds look like under a microscope: (Google is please)
56. A "butt load" is an actual unit of measurement,equivalent to 126 gallons.
57. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln have the same exact birthday — down to the year.
58. Scotland is farther north than Alaska.
59. Not only is Reno, Nevada, west of Los Angeles, but so are six state capitals.
60. If you're in Detroit and you walk south, you'll actually walk into Canada.
61. Every odd number has something in common
62. This is where the word "helicopter" comes from:
63. "Will Will Smith smith?" and "Will Smith will smith" are sentences that make complete sense.
64. The pyramids were as old to the Romans as the Romans are to us.
65. If you dug a hole to the center of the Earth and dropped a book down, it would take 42 minutes to reach the bottom.
66. There is ten times more bacteria in your body than actual body cells.
67. And 90% of the cells that make us up of aren't human but mostly fungi and bacteria.
68. If you say "Jesus" backwards it sounds like "sausage."
69. Peanuts are not nuts. They grow in the ground, so they are legumes.
70. Turtles can breathe out of their butts.
71. The dot over an "i" is called a "tittle."
72. There are more atoms in a glass of water than glasses of water in all the oceans on Earth.
73. A TI-83 calculator has six times more processing power than the computer that landed Apollo 11 on the moon.
74. At the time the current oldest person on Earth was born, there was a completely different set of human beings on the planet.
75. And at the time you were born, you were briefly the youngest person in the entire world.
76.And, finally, Neil Armstrong backwards is... Gnorts, Mr. Alien.
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia
Fox Finally Reveals If Jussie Smollet Is Returning To 'Empire'
By Peyton Blakemore
We were seriously entertained today by the Most Amusing Pregnancy Horror Stories!
Then we voted for our favorite.
Beth hit Dave on the head with her umbrella at Universal Studios. Yelled I hate you in the hotel parking lot for no reason.
Ryan - near the end of wife’s pregnancy. Asked if she needed anything before he left work. She said she was fine, but she was in labor all day while he was at work.
Donna - Left her baby with the Target cashier to go throw up.
Jack - 8 months prego wife. He woke up watching his wife snooping in his phone. He had a file marked hotness and it was full of nudes and lingerie pics. Wife demanded to know, “Who’s this whore?” All the pics were of HER. So she got mad because he didn’t label the file with her name. (Ruth's vote.)
Brandon - ex wife told the doctor to “take your fat effing sausage fingers outta me!” NEW BAND NAME AS WELL.
Mel - first pregnancy, he went to play softball and was supposed to return afterwards with a chicken sandwich. He forgot. She cried. So he went to Jack in the Box, bought one and she ate it in three bites, then went to bed. Rookie mistake thinking she’d forget about the sandwich.
Joey - Having a smoke, smelled something awful. Thought it was the dog, started making fun of him. But wife was crying because it was HER.
Brandon - Wife convinced he was trying to poison her and take the baby. She ate Taco Bell with grape juice. (Emily's favorite)
Lynette - her husband had a job interview with a guarantee to get the job from her uncle, but he blew it off for a Lowrider show. She beat the crap out of his motorcycle - totaled it. (Boyer's favorite.)
Mike - when wife was 7 months pregnant he came home from golfing and she accused him of lying because she didn’t see his truck there. She put her hands around his neck and banged his head a few times. He went to the other golf course.
Greg - During first pregnancy her husband wanted to eat healthier. He often used her potato peelers - she had four of them. One day she couldn’t find any of them and yelled at him while he was asleep. He said she had a knife in her hand. He left them at work and peeled them with a paring knife.
Robbie - Wife wanted peanut butter ice cream with chocolate chips and marshmallows. He couldn’t find that exact combo so he bought seperate items. She yelled at him and locked him out of the house. Neighbors called the cops, so someone had to go to jail for domestic violence. He had Navy duty in a few hours, so SHE got arrested for assaulting a cop, attempting to incite a riot, resisting arrest and more.
Leslie - He said something to her, she got mad and she flung the peanut butter knife at him, getting PB on his nose. He ran outside and she grabbed an axe and went after him, smashed the windshield. He didn’t come back for three days. (Sarah and Chainsaw voted for her so she won!)
My husband took Boyer’s advice and left the country for 9 months missing all the crazy.
Brenda - She was super hot, went to the beach, looking for a parking space. A car load of men where woohooing her. So she got out of the car and said, 'How do you like me now?' They immediately shut up.
Dana - her husband worked out of town a lot. She needed another room for the baby, so she called her dad and they chopped down a wall. Dad almost wrecked the electrical system. Almost destroyed the house.
Carolyn - woke up from napping, walked into the room where her husband was playing video games. She picked up a stereo speaker and heaved it across the room.
Watching a horror movie, accidently hit her belly with his foot. She freaked out thinking he was going to kill the bab. She even called the cops.
Omar - feared the horniness of his wife. She wanted to have sex all the time, but the baby bump couldn’t get him going. Every night she expected sex from him, dressed in lingerie and prego princess leia costumes. He got neutered after the birth of his son.
Photo by KGB/iHeartMedia
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